The Sahel Institut (INSAH) is a specialized institution of the CILSS mandated to coordinate, harmonize and promote scientific and technical research in the Sahelian countries.
During the past several years, INSAH has developed several databases (DB) to facilitate access to information and knowledge and to foster scientific and technical cooperation among actors in the national research systems of the CILSS member countries working in agriculture, livestock, population and development.
Specifically, the data bases include information on pesticides, a directory of expertise and technologies appropriate for use in the region, socio-economic profiles of the countries in the sub-region, and scientific publications produced by the Institute.
This section of the INSAH web-site focus on the first three database: you may access the publication database by going to the specific web-site ( while the socio-economic database is being finalized and will be soon available.
This web-site is not intended to substitute for more general information related to the databases which is currently available at INSAH.
On the contrary, this site complements the existing information by adding a query function permitting one to search the databases.